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Kashmir World Foundation integrates art as a means of innovation, science as a benchmark for invention, and technology as the result of creative solutions. Through global collaboration our projects improve the lives of people and wildlife worldwide.

Journey of the Pashmina Shawl

Kashmir Rose is the art division of KwF whose mission is to preserve art and the traditional craftsmanship of Kashmiri Master Artisans and enable artists to collaborate internationally on creating inspiring art which supports KwF wildlife conservation projects. Proceeds from the sale of Kashmir Rose products support Kashmir World Foundation projects and programs that help protect our environment and endangered species worldwide. 


Lima, Peru

Lima, Peru

Melbourne, Florida

Melbourne, Florida

Kruger National Park, South Africa

Kruger National Park, South Africa

St. Catherines Island, Georgia

St. Catherines Island, Georgia

AUVSI 2015: Orlando, Florida

AUVSI 2015: Orlando, Florida

AUVSI 2013: Washington, DC

AUVSI 2013: Washington, DC


Wildlife Conservation UAV Challenge

Wildlife Conservation UAV Challenge

The Wildlife Conservation UAV Challenge set out to develop drones that can detect and locate poachers in real-time and provide rangers with optimal information to counter poaching of rhinos and elephants.

MiSHELL Drones

MiSHELL Drones

Coastal beaches are incubators for endangered marine turtle nests. Due to over development, climate change, and predation 1 out of 1000 sea turtles survives to adulthood. With MiSHELL Drones Biologist can detect and locate sea turtle nests for more efficient and effective monitoring.

Protect Snow Leopards

Protect Snow Leopards

Using deep learning and computer vision Kashmir Robotics will enhance the efficiency and reliability to interpreting images from camera traps, integration of robotics including aerial robotics to expand coverage and provide persistent imagery of snow leopards.


The function of freedom is to free someone else. 

-Toni Morrison

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