New perspective requires taking a different path and drawing on knowledge and discovery outside a team's purview. This is why scientists often make their greatest discoveries shortly after changing fields. They join a team, bringing new perspective, knowledge, and a different approach to innovation and invention.
Drone Test Flights, Playa Tortuga | Fly for Conservation Costa Rica | Fly for Conservation 001 |
Kashmir World Foundation takes to the sky with autonomous drones equipped with artificial intelligence embedded in open source microcomputers and sensors that can see day and night for conservation and counter poaching of endangered species. KwF empowers conservationists with education and training on unmanned aerial systems (UAS) for a new perspective and scope in problem solving. Working collaboratively the challenges are examined with potential new paths, evaluating costs, benefits, and time to completion. Together with conservationists and academics an innovative pathway to success is carved with the immersion of science and technology customized and optimized for the mission, enabling teams to move forward and make a difference worldwide.
The Fly for Conservation workshop unites unmanned aerial systems (UAS) designers, engineers and wildlife conservationists in collaboration to develop advanced technological solutions for common barriers to conservation efforts. The goal of the workshop is to enable a network of leading wildlife conservationists who build, operate and maintain UAS in the field while sharing data collected from the drones to develop the artificial intelligence needed to process sea turtle activities onboard the aircraft in real time.
Universidad Marista de Mérida
Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula is home to a variety of species but nesting home to the endangered the hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata); the green turtle (Chelonia mydas); the loggerhead (Caretta caretta), and the leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) sea turtles. All 7 species of sea turtles are endangered due to loss of habitat, poaching, illegal fishing and over development.
Pronatura has been monitoring beaches in the Natural Protected Areas of the Biosphere Reserve of Ría Celestún, Biosphere Reserve of Ría Lagartos in Yucatán, and the Area for the Protection of Flora and Fauna of Yum Balam in Quintana Roo for over 28 years. Pronatura staff ensures the nesting success of the sea turtles is conducted yearly to generate information and scientific knowledge about conservation of nesting and hatching sea turtle populations and their habitat for decision making and adaptive management in collaboration with local communities.
KwF partnered with Pronatura to customize drones to help facilitate with nest monitoring, illegal fishing and quantify the population of sea turtles in forging sites. KwF approach to empowering conservationists with the education and tools they need helps create custom solutions for conservation barriers. To help launch a drone program for Pronatura, KwF will conduct a 4-day hands on workshop for four conservation teams, followed by a 3-day in field test and training for Pronatura staff in partnership with Universidad de Marista in Merida, Mexico.
You can help support the program by registering for this immersive Fly for Conservation workshop in Merida, Mexico with your family and friends. KwF has 3 team spots for anyone interested in learning to build, program and operate drones. Your team can also join the extended 3 day sea turtle conservation training on the beach in Celestun.
Kashmir World Foundation partnered with Georgia Sea Turtle Center, Reserva Playa Tortuga (RPT), and Georgia Southern University Sea Turtle Program at St. Catherines Island (GSUSTP@SCI) to offer the first international Fly for Conservation workshop in Costa Rica from July 24 - 27, 2017. During the workshop four different conservation organizations were educated and trained on the construction, use, and maintenance of custom built unmanned aerial systems (UAS) to aid in the conservation and protection of endangered species not only in Costa Rica but worldwide.
Fly for Conservation Flight Day in Costa Rica, July 2017. Photo Credit: Hannah Butler
In August 2016, Kashmir World Foundation conducted the first Fly for Conservation Workshop hosted by the Barrier Island Sanctuary in Melbourne, Florida. The workshop was in partnership with Barrier Island Sanctuary, Sea Turtle Conservancy, Brevard County's Environmentally Endangered Lands Program, and South Beach Community Center. The workshop included teams from Georgia Southern University, the University of Central Florida Marine Turtle Research Group, Brevard Zoo and Harris Corporation. The KwF team also recorded aerial video and images of sea turtle tracks and nests for the MiSHELL Artificial Intelligence team to use for training the pattern recognition algorithms.