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Kashmir World Foundation has partnered with the National Museum of Crime & Punishment in Washington, DC for the first Wildlife Trafficking Exhibit on "The Ugly Truth of Wildlife Trafficking."


It’s estimated that in the last century we have lost 97 percent of the world’s tigers. In just the last 13 years there has been a 76 percent decline in the elephant population. Last year alone, there were over 1,200 rhinoceros killed. Each of these animal populations are being severely depleted in large part due to illegal wildlife trafficking, an issue that our own government has recently announced it is taking on in an effort to combat the problem. Now, people have the opportunity learn more about the world of illegal wildlife trafficking at a new exhibit, called “Wildlife Trafficking: Are you contributing to the trade?” at the Crime Museum, located in Washington, D.C.

Kashmir World Foundation has partnered with the National Museum of Crime & Punishment in Washington, DC for the first Wildlife Trafficking Exhibit on "The Ugly Truth of Wildlife Trafficking." This exhibit is made possible by collaborated efforts from the following organizations: Freeland Foundation, International Fund for Animal Welfare, INTERPOL, Kashmir World Foundation, U.S. Department of State, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, WildAid, Wildlife Trust of India, and Youth Environmental Programs. Illegal wildlife trafficking is a multi-billion dollar a year industry and has recently been linked to funding various terrorist organizations, threatening national and global security. 


Drones provide a capability for searching large areas and collecting data that can be used to detect, identify, capture, and prosecute wildlife crime. Unlike military droneswhere many people can be assigned to control and examine the data, wildlife protection drones must be able to operate without much human assistance. They must be able to determine where best to search, how to perform the search, and maintain contact on poachers until rangers arrive on the scene.


Kashmir World Foundation is sponsoring a world wide challenge to develop the unique capabilities required for protecting rhinos, elephants, and other wildlife in Africa. Sensors are needed to detect poachers in the bush, determine number of humans and types of weapons, track them through rough terrain, dissuade them from poaching until rangers arrive, and assist in apprehension and prosecution.


KwF is helping inspire and empower people of all ages to contribute through the Da Vinci Challenge, a 4 week course in design, fabrication, operation, and customization of drones. Alumni are spinning off projects to help protect sea turtles, polar bears, and many other endangered species.


575 7th St, NW

Washington, DC 

Opening Night Presentations

Crime Museum, 5 June. While most museums focus on the past, Princess Aliyah with many other partners created an amazing display at the National Crime and Punishment Museum that focuses on the future. During the opening festival, several speakers described wildlife poaching and trafficking as analogous to narco trafficking, an evil that we can oppose but ultimately must learn to live with. Unfortunately rhinos, elephants, and many other endangered species will not live unless the poaching stops.



Princess Aliyah took the microphone and began her address with a vision -- a fleet of her Kashmir Robotics Drones patrolling over rhinos and elephants, ready to strike at any who would threaten these few remaining representatives of their species. Then she described how these highly autonomous drones can locate, identify, and eliminate poachers before they can strike. There was not a sound to be heard among the standing room only audience, but a vision of dead or captured criminals and terrorists laying in the bush rather than rhinos and elephants.


Jennifer Sevin, Youth Environment

Jennifer Sevin, Youth Environment

Youth Environment Programs

Princess Aliyah

Princess Aliyah

Kashmir World Foundation

Assistant Secretary William R. Brown

Assistant Secretary William R. Brown

Department of State, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL)

Partners in Counter Wildlife Crime

Partners in Counter Wildlife Crime

VIP Guests

VIP Guests

Exhibit Speakers

Exhibit Speakers

KwF International Team

KwF International Team

Rachel Penman

Rachel Penman

Crime Museum

Kashmir Robotics Drone

Kashmir Robotics Drone

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