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Flying Birds
Winter Fox
Grizzly Bear
Sea Turtle
Desert Ibex
Tigress and Cubs
Whale Research

Having retired from a successful career in real estate, business, and international finance, Princess Aliyah founded Kashmir World Foundation to provide a pathway into a new world, one in which people learn and collaborate globally to improve the world.

Princess Aliyah chose a path to provide an interdisciplinary education and means to achieve real world solutions through a global network of scientists, researchers, academics, engineers and students. A pioneer in education, the Princess has created mission focused programs that integrates art, science, and technology as enablers for innovation and invention. She has engaged individuals, organizations, business leaders, universities and governments throughout the world in collaboration to protect endangered wildlife, the broader earth ecosystem, and the role of our planet in an evolving cosmology.


Dr. Ronald Pandolfi has 30 years of experience in the application of surveillance, communications, robotics, aircraft and weapons systems to counter poaching of endangered species. As Founder and Director of the Technology Assisted Counter Poaching (TACP) network, he has been working behind the scenes for over 25 years equipping rangers and other ground forces with the tools needed to defeat poachers and the criminal organizations engaged in trafficking of endangered species. 


Dr. Pandolfi designed and engineered the DaVinci Challenge multi-copter drone kits for educational and instructional purposes. He lectures students during workshops to collaborate using open source hardware and software for mission focused applications equipped with onboard processing through self-learning algorithms on single board computers and sensors integrated throughout their autonomous unmanned aerial systems.


Nicolás Busch received his B.S. and M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile in 2013 and 2015, respectively. His master thesis work focused on motion planning for mobile robots, with both a theoretical analysis and field experiments. Nicolás has been working the last year for Fundación Legado Chile, applying his engineering knowledge to the conservation of wildlife. During this time he has focused on the implementation of wireless sensor networks for environmental monitoring.

Grey Golla, a senior at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology has been a part of the Kashmir World Foundation team for more than 2 years. Grey starting his drone career with the very first DaVinci challenge: Build a Drone Workshop, which he attended as a student, became a Mentor and currently an Instructor. Since Grey graduated with a Drone Operator Certificate, he has been involved in over 20 DaVinci Challenge workshops including Girls in Technology, Teachers Take Flight, and Horizons Summer camp program for Title 1 school students in downtown DC. He is also very interested in computer science and artificial intelligence and is currently working on the MiSHELL drone project with the goal of autonomously detecting, characterizing and locating sea turtle tracks and nests.


William Hoganson is a high school junior at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Fairfax, Virginia.  William has long enjoyed working with robots -- assembling, disassembling and reconfiguring them to push the envelope of their performance.  In high school, he participates actively in the rocketry and aerospace club and is currently studying robotics and engineering. In addition, William is also an ardent environmentalist:  as a certified stream monitor for Virginia Save Our Streams, he gauges the health of waterways in the region.

William very much enjoys working with the Kashmir World Foundation on the MiShell drone project.  The collaborative Foundation team shares his passion for drones and for wildlife preservation.When William isn't working on his drones, he can be found playing soccer, practicing parkour, caring for his praying mantises, or playing the drums.


Quoc Le is a senior at the University of Central Florida where he is majoring in Computer Engineering. He is currently learning how to develop software for robots. He is passionate in learning about new technologies and artificial intelligence.


Emmanuel Oppong Afriyie received his Master of Science in Computer science with minor in environmental science from the University of the Philippines and Master of Business Administration emphasis information technology from Adventist International Institute of Advanced studies.

Emmanuel is interested in the use of Unmanned Aerial Systems for agriculture, forestry and environmental conservation application. In the sub-Saharan region.

Mine studies in the University of the Philippines shaped my interesting in using digital Aerial images for satellite remote sensing application. While doing his MS, he conducted a study on the use of digital Aerial images for benthic species classification, which aimed at using low cost sensors.   

He is an open water diver and UAV hobbyist. He is enthusiastic about animals and the conservation of the environment.

Emmanuel is looking forward to using Aerial images to help improve environmental issues across Ghana and other parts of Africa.


María Orellana is a B.Sc. major in Biology and a M.Sc. in Ecology from Pontificia Universidad Católic PhD thesis project, which targets a de Chile. She is now working on her the understanding of physiological aspects of the thermal ecology of a trophic interaction, with a major focus on climate change. She is also working at Fundación Legado Chile as a way to connect academic research with the conservation of nature.


Lucas Pasqualin is a Computer Engineering student in his senior year at the University of Central Florida. Recent projects include efforts funded by the Florida Department of Transportation to create an Autonomous Vehicle Simulator, and research and development on autonomous story telling systems supported by the Fraunhofer Society. Interests include robotics, intelligent systems, and computer vision. Lucas is pursuing a career in robotics and A.I. applications, and hopes to go to graduate school after he earns his degree.  In his free time, Lucas enjoys watching Knights football, playing videogames, and fuseball. 


Nick Patsy is a graduate from the University of Miami with a degree in Computer Science and Economics. He is very passionate about wildlife, wildlife conservation, and the application of technology to help improve the world around us. He has experience working at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, working with economists to help analyze fishing data to improve and manage living marine resources under federal jurisdiction from North Carolina to Texas and in the US Caribbean. In his free time, he enjoys sports, programming, and video games.


Rahul Rajan is a junior at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology. He is very passionate about STEM and has taken part and won awards in many STEM competitions including the Conrad Spirit of Innovation Challenge, Technology Student Association, National Science Bowl, and Toshiba ExploraVision. His primary interests are in robotics and artificial intelligence as well as leadership. He is currently a lead director at Codeducate, a local nonprofit that strives to spread a passion in computer science to middle school students.  Additionally, he has recently completed an internship at the Naval Research Lab where he researched into the use of teams of robots to perform search and rescue operations in a hazardous environment. He hopes to use his experience and ability to work effectively with others to help the Kashmir Foundation monitor and protect endangered species.


Danny Wanna is a UAS Engineer and Operations Instructor with Kashmir World Foundation, integrating art, science and technology to affect disruptive innovation; pioneering solutions for exacting challenges for safeguarding sea turtle nests in America to preserving wild life in Africa's reserves. Danny holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering and has spent many sleepless nights to develop his skills as a network architect. His preceding work portfolio of diverse companies includes Vyatta, NTT America, Teligent, CSC and EDS, as well as a private consulting business. Danny has additionally honed his computer programming proficiency in multiple language and platforms including embedded systems and hand-held devices. He is skilled at managing diverse teams and complicated projects. 


Anonto Zaman is currently a junior at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology. He has lived in northern Virginia his entire life and his hobbies include biking and reading. He is an active member of his school's rocketry club and has participated in the FTC robotics competition, competing at the international level. He hopes to pursue a career in engineering and sees the MiSHELL drone

Thank you for contacting us, we will be get back with you shortly.

Partnership and Sponsorship Inquires

We are looking to collaborate and partner with organizations and institutes that have an interest in integrating technology solutions for marine turtle conservation and counter poaching efforts worldwide. 

MiSHELL Drones

MiSHELL Drones

Fly for Conservation Workshop

Fly for Conservation Workshop

Support Sea Turtles

Support Sea Turtles

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